Saturday, July 18, 2015



We all want to stay fit and healthy. There is no rocket science behind staying healthy. We all know what should be done for a healthy lifestyle. The thing is we always give ourselves excuse for abstaining from the footsteps to a healthy life. But, the moment we actually have to care for our health, we have to put great efforts to get healthy again with stress and frustration of being diseased or obese.
Why wait to catch the tail and pulling, when we can actually hug the blissful health always?
A healthy and slim person is even more active than any obese or diseased individual. Anyways, if you are thinking about yourself, even if you are troubled with obesity or any disease, it is still not too late. You can start with these tips and feel a great change in your lifestyle at least within a week if you genuinely follow them.

A.     Drink plenty of water daily.

Drinks loads of water daily.
Starting your day with two glasses of water, and at least a glass before sleeping. Water has excellent cleansing properties. It will start with flushing your intestine and removing all the crap within, which pays hindrance in digestion and absorption of the food eaten. After that it will wash the excess fat from your body [preferably if you drink warm (not excess hot) water]. Moreover, it will aid all other body system in functioning properly. Water is needed in all the reactions in mostly all the systems of the body. If there is plenty of water the systems will function more efficiently, and the diseases will stay away from you.

B.     Healthy diet

We need to mend our food habits, from the junk food style to the healthy food style. We have to add raw vegetables as salad, fruits and stay away from fried and junk meals. Avoid too much dairy products. Add antioxidants in our diet.
There is a complete list of minerals which has to be incorporated in our diet. How can this be accomplished? By intake of wide assortments of the fruits, vegetables and cereals. Such as banana, avocado, kiwi, grapes, apple, berries, citrus fruits, beans, peas, lentils, parsley, corn, carrot, watermelon, beet root, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, etc. The assortment will ensure you intakes of variety of minerals.

There should be an even distribution of calories in your food in accordance with the chart below-
Breakfast should incorporate maximum calories intake upto
Lunch should limit the calories intake to
Dinner should restrict the calories to

One should have dinner at least 3-4 hours prior going to bed.

C.     Morning walk

For a healthy and active life, the soft, smooth fresh air of the early morning is effectively invigorating. Going for a morning walk not only provides this soothing fresh air but it is also an active pattern of exercise. Day to day life makes us so deeply indulged in our tasks that we do not get time for ourselves. This is the time when we can feel ourselves, breathe deeply while walking and feel the fresh air energizing your system.

D.     Exercise
Regular exercise keeps one fit and healthy. Exercise is very essential to keep body nimble and swift. As a machine which is used regularly is more efficient and works smoothly, similarly our body like a machine is greatly efficient and swift when working. All the movements during exercise makes the joint flexible and adds the nimbleness to the body. It burns excess fat, tones muscle and endeavors a perfect shape to the body.
Apart from exercise one should practice yoga. Yoga helps to stay away from a number of diseases. It leads our body functioning more efficient. Yoga has proven benefits. Many serious non-curable diseases are also healed by yoga. The best time to perform yoga is early morning after emptying the bowels.

E.     While travelling
State of being healthy also means preventing situations which may lead to compromised health conditions. While travelling we have to keep note of certain things which may prove to be a hindrance to our health.

a.      Wear Helmet
While driving or riding the two-wheelers, make sure to wear helmets. They are not for any aesthetic purpose. Rather, they save you from head injuries during any road traffic accidents. These head injuries are the most serious injuries and are fatal. You never know, when a medical situation may knock the door. Why take chances, be prepared for the same. Helmets can save lives.

b.      Tie seat belts-
While driving/ riding a four-wheeler make sure to tie your seat-belts. Seat belts are not for any show-off, they have a special role in the vehicle. Seat belts can prevent you from crashing during a road accident. It may prevent major complications as it ties you to the back of the seat and maintains it even during the accident. There are the same words- You never know, when a medical situation may knock the door. Why take chances, be prepared for the same. Always wear seat belts. It is a law not for the police or government, it is for your safety.

c.       Vehicle FA kit
You should always keep a first aid box at home, in your vehicle, with you while on a trip or picnic. You should also carry the necessary and prescribed medications with you.

F.      For an individual suffering from a disease
Those suffering from a disease, should specially care for some of the points-

d.      Wear a tag of disease you are suffering from
If you are suffering from a disease like diabetes, hypertension, asthma, epilepsy, etc you should always wear a tag/ band of the disease available in chemist stores. If any emergency situation is there, it may be easier for the medical care providers to identify the disease. It may affect their mode of care and treatment.

e.       Carry necessary and prescribed medicines

Always carry necessary and prescribed medicines with you. If you are in need of immediate care then the medicines may help to some extent.

Dr. Richa Singhania

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